Helpful Keyboard Shortcuts for Common Symbols in Science

Many branches of science use symbols to denote units (e.g., ºC), comparisons (e.g., ≥), and statistical calculations (e.g., ±). Adding these symbols using the insert function can be cumbersome as you shift your attention from typing to navigating the mouse. Instead, use these easy keyboard shortcuts to quickly insert these symbols as you write.


±: Option + Shift + =

º: Option + 0

≥: Option + .

≤: Option + ,

≈: Option + x


±: Alt + 241

º: Alt + 248

≥: Alt + 242

≤: Alt + 243

≈: Alt + 247

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Crystal Herron, PhD, ELS

Crystal is an editor, educator, coach, and speaker who helps scientists and clinicians communicate with clear, concise, and compelling writing. You can follow her on LinkedIn.


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