SCSIR Database

The Science Communicators Supporting Impacted Researchers (SCSIR) Database is a free resource to connect volunteer science communicators with researchers whose federal grants were terminated by the new US administration. This database houses information shared by science communicators who are willing to offer pro bono services to support impacted researchers and help them find alternative funding sources, shift research focuses, or transition career paths.

How it works

Science communicators who would like to offer pro bono services to impacted researchers can add their information (eg, contact information, services offered) to the SCSIR Database.

Researchers can access the SCSIR Database and search for support in the areas they need. They may then contact the science communicators directly to request support.

Once contact is made, both science communicators and researchers may choose whether or not to collaborate on a particular project on a case-by-case basis.

Best Practices for Science Communicators

Be sure to confirm that the researcher’s federal funding was terminated. We recommend requesting a copy of the termination letter and then doing some due diligence to confirm the termination.

By adding your name to the SCSIR Database, you are not required to perform requested work. You are a free agent and may choose whether or not to work with a particular researcher or on a particular project on a case-by-case basis.

Best Practices for Researchers

Be sure to vet the science communicators to ensure you are comfortable working with them. We cannot guarantee that they have the experience and services needed to support you.

Science communicators in the database may not have the capacity to support you at the time you need services. Please contact them as soon as you know you would like support.

By accessing the SCSIR Database, you acknowledge that are a free agent and may choose whether or not to work with a particular science communicator.


The SCSIR Database is a connection resource and not a matching program nor a place to solicit freelance services. Science communicators and researchers are responsible for all communications and activities related to any services provided.

Redwood Ink does not endorse and is not affiliated with any science communicators in the SCSIR database nor researchers who may access the database. Redwood Ink is not responsible or liable for communicator-researcher relationships or the quality of services provided as a result of this connection service.

If you have any trouble accessing the database or completing the form, please contact us.