Useful Keyboard Shortcuts to Easily Insert Greek Symbols

Scientific writing is riddled with Greek symbols. These symbols denote important concepts, including units of measurement (e.g., µL) and protein names (e.g., TGF-ß).

Writers often add these symbols to their text using the insert function in their writing software. But there are some easy keyboard shortcuts that you can master to quickly insert these symbols as you write.


ß: Option + s

∆: Option + j

µ: Option + m

π: Option + p

Ω: Option + z


ß: Alt + 225

∆: Alt + 30

µ: Alt + 230

π: Alt + 227

Ω: Alt + 234

Crystal Herron, PhD, ELS

Crystal is an editor, educator, coach, and speaker who helps scientists and clinicians communicate with clear, concise, and compelling writing. You can follow her on LinkedIn.


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