How to Use “Only” Accurately in Your Scientific Writing

The word “only” is a modifier that is commonly used in scientific and medical writing. And where you place “only” in a sentence can affect the meaning of that sentence.

Example 1

Let’s consider the following example:

I ate the cupcake.

When we place “only” in different places of this sentence, the meaning of the sentence changes.

Sentence: Only I ate the cupcake.
Meaning: No one else ate the cupcake.

Sentence: I only ate the cupcake.
Meaning: I didn't do anything but eat the cupcake.

Sentence: I ate only the cupcake.
Meaning: I didn't eat anything other than the cupcake.

Sentence: I ate the only cupcake.
Meaning: I ate the one available cupcake.

Some scientific and medical authors will place “only” at the end of the sentence.

Sentence: I ate the cupcake only.

But this placement is actually a misplacement and should not be used.

Example 2

Let’s consider another example:

The medication can reduce hypertension.

When we place “only” in different places of this sentence, the meaning of the sentence changes.

Sentence: Only the medication can reduce hypertension.
Meaning: Nothing other than the medication can reduce hypertension.

Sentence: The medication only can reduce hypertension.
Meaning: The medication is limited to reducing hypertension.

Sentence: The medication can only reduce hypertension.
Meaning: The only thing the medication can do is reduce hypertension.

Sentence: The medication can reduce only hypertension.
Meaning: The medication can reduce hypertension and nothing else.

Sentence: The medication can reduce hypertension only. (misplaced modifier)

Helpful Guideline

How do you know where to put “only” in a sentence? A helpful guideline is to use place “only” immediately before the word or phrase that you want to modify.

Crystal Herron, PhD, ELS

Crystal is an editor, educator, coach, and speaker who helps scientists and clinicians communicate with clear, concise, and compelling writing. You can follow her on LinkedIn.


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